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Essay guides and tips

Creating A Powerful Reflective Essay On Law: 5 Things To Keep In Mind

A reflective essay can be very personal, and it can offer you the chance to show your experience and knowledge. Also, you can discuss about important social aspects, and you can write your opinion but bring actual evidence at the same time. Law is maybe one of the most important pillars of today’s society; that is why you need to analyze this topic from a very serious perspective. Like any other essay, you can structure this paper in many different ways, according to your preferences and the requirements of your professor. Keep these things in mind when you create your composition:

  • Start with the history. No matter what subject you are discussing, you need to take the historical aspect into consideration. This will offer the reader a clear perspective over the background of the topic, and it will allow you to understand better the issue. As you know, you have to be very accurate when you present historical facts.
  • Discuss the moral aspects of law. There are many rules that are considered by some people immoral. However, they are present in our society, and they are applied every day. Do not be afraid to express your disagreement regarding a particular matter or idea; you are entitled to your own opinion.
  • Present the evolution process. What was an odd idea a hundred years ago, can be now a very normal aspect. It is very interesting how people and mentality change and they become ready to accept new things, even against their primary principles. Use charts to complete this task.
  • What are the influential factors? Make sure that you mention actual examples of how a cultural matter changed the law. Also, there are many countries where religious principles are applied in courts of law. The culture plays a very important role in this, so do not ignore it; bring clear examples to make sure that the principles are understandable.
  • Imagine the future. You can be creative and discuss the future of your country. Since societies are changing and evolving so fast, you can expect that in ten years things will be different. From a legal point of view, many aspects will change, and they are meant to improve the society and help people. Developing countries are well known for changing the law easily, hoping that they will find a solution that will make the difference.