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Essay guides and tips

8 Steps To Creating A Great Expository Essay

An expository essay is one that provides information without the writer's opinion being a factor. Your essay should explain a topic using only facts and data. Unlike others you may have written, this one doesn't need you to add your voice to it. Sometimes that makes it easier. You can focus on what's important rather than having to figure out your stance on the subject.

To create a great paper, you will need to follow these steps:

Select a topic.

If you have the option of choosing one, you should find one that hasn't been done a hundred times before. Find a topic that's interesting and has plenty of information for you to use.

Collect the facts.

You can find information and data in books, newspapers or online. The library is a good place to start if you have access to one.

Define your method.

Before you can begin, you need to know what style to write in. Here are the different methods to choose from:

  • Definition
  • Example
  • Compare and Contrast
  • Analysis
  • Classification

You should choose the method that best suits your topic.

Write your introductory paragraph.

This includes a thesis statement. Your first paragraph will give you and the readers an idea of what to expect from your paper.

Write the body of your essay.

Each paragraph should focus on one topic. It should also relate to your thesis statement. Your paragraphs should present facts to support your general idea and your thesis. Make sure that you don't repeat paragraphs topics; each one should be a new idea.

Read and revise.

Once you're finished, you will want to go over it again. Make sure that you stuck to the facts, that you haven't repeated paragraph topics and that your paragraphs have smooth transitions from one to the next. Your wording should be clear, and your essay should only contain valid information, nothing that is subjective.

Check your pronouns.

It shouldn't be written in first-person; expository essays need to be written in second-person. Remember, it's not supposed to be based on your views or opinions.

End with a good conclusion.

Restate your thesis and the general topic or idea. You can also summarize the facts and tell the readers what the next step is to continue the research, but avoid bringing up new issues. You want to tie up loose ends and bring it to an effective close.
