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Essay guides and tips

How To Come Up With Compare And Contrast Essay Topics On Julius Caesar

William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar is a masterpiece of juxtaposition. It makes for the perfect compare and contrast paper because of all the likes and differences, which exist in the piece. You may be assigned the paper in English class or even in World History class. You can break the different differences/likes in categories and from there you will be bale to pick a topic. Here are a few suggestions:

  • People-write about any two of them
    • Julius Caesar
    • Brutus
    • Mark Anthony
    • Calpurnia
    • Longinus
    • Octavian
  • Places-look at the similarities and the differences
    • Rome
    • The steps
    • The battle field
    • The first and the last scene
  • Miscellaneous
    • Love and hate
    • Light and dark
    • Enemy and friend
    • Liberty and imprisonment
    • Right and wrong
    • Life and death
    • Crowds and isolation
    • Country vs. the individual

The art of juxtaposition was finely crafted in the play. Narrow down which field you like and then begin the research for the examples. You will want to find, in addition to examples from the play, critical analyses by academic writers, which discuss the topic you selected.

After you have your topic and your research, you can then follow these steps:

  1. Follow all of the teacher’s directions and meet all of the teacher deadlines
  2. Make sure you know how long the paper is supposed to be and how many sources are required in the piece
  3. Make a thesis statement
  4. Place the weaker main point in between the two stronger ideas
  5. Make a detailed working outline
  6. Begin to write the rough draft
  7. Complete any more extra research if needed
  8. Add your in-text citations for the research you used
  9. Have a MLA guide handy or bookmark a site, so that all of your formatting is correctly done
  10. Go to any extra help provided by your teacher if you have problems
  11. Hire a professional if you are struggling so much that you are over-whelmed
  12. Complete the rough draft
  13. Check for spelling and grammar errors
  14. Have a peer also read it for you
  15. Begin the final draft
  16. Complete the reference page
  17. Go slowly so you do not make any new errors
  18. Submit all the hard copies and electronic ones that the teacher has requested