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Essay guides and tips

Childhood Obesity: Who Is To Blame?

Obesity itself is a very serious medical condition with many different risk factors. However, obesity in children is extremely serious and effects children and adolescents much more heavily both mentally and physically. When a child suffers from obesity, they are more likely and more prone to suffer from serious health issues as adults such as diabetes and high cholesterol and blood pressure. When considering obesity in children, many have different speculations and assumptions on what role is exactly to blame for the health issue; is it the child’s fault or the parents?

Children are much more susceptible to taking adults advice and counsel, often mimicking what they regularly or continuously see in their home life as a lifestyle. It’s difficult to determine in certain situations whether it is sincerely a child’s responsibility to monitor and be aware of what they eat and how they conduct their lifestyle and fitness, and what the parent implements. Many struggle with finding common grounds on the subject, and often parents of overweight children will combat the concept that they have a responsibility and a role in part of their child being overweight. Not just this, but many fail to consider the outliers of society and how they may affect a child in their lifestyle or eating habits.

The truth to the matter is that there is no one source to blame. However, there are many aspects and roles that constitute responsibility over the matter. Children have their own responsibility and play their own role in their health, however being that they are young, impressionable, and not fully developed mentally, physically, or emotionally, there are many deeper aspects of the situation than what they can understand. Whether you know a parent or family friend who has a child that is struggling with obesity, or it is your family that is struggling, take a moment to read a few facts and consider what you can do to aid the situation and implement a healthy lifestyle back in to play.

  • Television encourages stagnancy in a child’s behavior.
  • Rudimentary activities such as reading, board games, and using tablets also encourage less active lifestyles.
  • Children mimic and follow what they see. Set a good example a far as diet and exercise are concerned.
  • High carb and high sugar diets cause sluggishness.
  • Rewarding children with food causes them to eat more and consider food to be a continuous treat, not fuel.

Consider limiting your children’s activity in front of the television, tablet, and computer. Encouraging a more active lifestyle in which they can enjoy themselves, bond with friends and family, and benefit through their health is paramount. Try doing a family outing to the park a few times a week where everyone is able to actively enjoy themselves together, not only will this create a stronger bond between family ties, but it will also aid in the child’s overall health.
